Field Trips
We will offer a range of pre-, mid-, and post-conference fieldtrips to expose participants to the world-class geomorphology of Australasia. Each fieldtrip is led by 2 or more experienced fieldtrip guides, active in research within the fieldtrip locations.
Our pre-and post- conference fieldtrips cater for a range of budgets and timeframes, and those in New Zealand end or begin in Christchurch and/or near an international airport for ease of participant travel to or from the conference. Our mid-conference fieldtrips cater to a range of fitness levels and accessibility, and include poor-weather back-up plans (e.g. snow on roads).
Mid-conference fieldtrips
The middle (3rd) day of conference provides 8 fieldtrip options, exposing participants to excellent geomorphology within easy reach of Christchurch:
Coastal geomorphology; barrier coastlines and sheltered embayments – Kaitorete, Waihora and Lyttleton Harbour.
Engineering geomorphology; Landslides, alluvial fans, and other hazards along the Arthur’s Pass highway, Southern Alps.
Glacial geomorphology; The Rakaia glacial system – Canterbury Plains, Rakaia Gorge & Rakaia River.
Fluvial geomorphology; processes and management of major braided rivers on the Canterbury plains.
Volcanic geomorphology; volcanics and geomorphic evolution of the Banks Peninsula.
Tectonic geomorphology; Christchurch earthquake sequence geomorphology and impacts – Christchurch and Banks Peninsula
Soil development and geomorphology; loess deposition, erosion and soil geochemistry on Banks Peninsula
Karst and landscape evolution; Castle Hill basin structural geology, karst development, and glacial history.

Pre-conference fieldtrips
Option 1: A geomorphological tour across the diverse landscape of Tasmania (Australia) including alpine glaciated plateaus and mountains, lakes, rainforests, periglacial bedrock fields, fossil parallel dune fields, karst, and coastal environments; 4-5-days. Based in Tasmania.
Option 2: Volcanoes, rivers and coasts: the making and erosion of Te Ika-a-Māui - fluvial, coastal and volcanic geomorphology of Aoteaora New Zealand’s North Island. 8-days, Auckland - Christchurch.
Post-conference fieldtrips
Option 1: Geomorphic Impacts of the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake - Ten years on. 2-days, return to Christchurch.
Option 2: Geomorphology of the New Zealand Southern Alps. 6-days, Christchurch - Queenstown.
Option 3: From Rivers of Sand to the Great Barrier Reef: The coastal geomorphology of beaches, sand islands, and coral reefs of south east Queensland. 9-days, Brisbane - Gladstone (Australia).