Call for Sessions
Session submissions have now closed.
Tectonically-active, in the 'Roaring 40s' and geologically-young, Aotearoa New Zealand offers world-class geomorphology with some of the world’s fastest rates of uplift and erosion. Scientific sessions will provide a close tie between its landscapes and processes and the latest advances in research. The themes will encompass the disciplines that seek to understand natural processes, investigative techniques and the benefits and impacts to society. We welcome sessions linked to the following themes for the scientific programme:
Programme Themes
- Aeolian and arid landscapes
- Anthropogenic geomorphology
- Catchment processes and management
- Coastal and marine environments
- Cryosphere and cold landscapes
- Education, outreach, and ethics in geomorphology
- Landscape hazards, risks, and society
- Landscape response to climate change
- Planetary geomorphology
- Surface and subsurface processes and landscape evolution
- Technological advances in geomorphology
- Tectonic and volcanic geomorphology
- Other
Session Proposal Format
Each proposal must include:
- Title of the session
- Session lead convenor and co-convenors (names and affiliations)
- Description of aim and content of the session (max half page)
- Links to the themes for the Scientific Programme
- Intended format for the session (e.g., poster only, oral + poster presentations, discussion session)
- To begin the submission process, please click on the 'Submit' button at the top of the page.
We also welcome proposals for 'Discussion sessions' which are an opportunity for a panel or focussed discussion in place of a regular conference session.
Proposal submission deadline: 25 October 2024
Notification of selection: 29 November 2024
Uploading of session information to website: 17 January 2025
Do not hesitate to contact the ICG 2026 Programme Convenor if you have any questions: [email protected]