NZES 2024

25 – 29 November 2024
The 2024 Conference theme “how ecology shapes our world” recognises the importance of ecology in all facets of our lives.
Subthemes are being developed now, and we will update this page as they come on stream. If you are in a position to do so, please start thinking of any symposium you would like to organise.
In the meantime, please save the date and think about what exciting research you want to present.
The New Zealand Ecological Society last held a conference in Rotorua in 2011. We are very excited to bring the conference back to our place in 2024. With our unique geothermal habitats, beautiful lakes, indigenous and plantation forests, special flora and fauna, and rich culture in the first bilingual city in Aotearoa, there will be something for everyone. For the first time, the conference will be held at the Rotorua Toi Ohomai campus, a few minutes from the world-famous mountain bike and running/walking tracks.