BGANZ 2019 Botanic Gardens Australia & New Zealand


2019 Congress for Botanic Gardens Australia & New Zealand Inc

Plants from the past: plants for the future
20-23 October 2019

Wellington, New Zealand

In the face of climate change, Botanic Gardens have a key role in fostering plant communities, to understand the adaptations need and to ring the warning bells of climate change ever more loudly. Plant species some of whose services to us are unknown, unrealised or unimagined may be lost unless Botanic Gardens continue to take and escalate their leading roles through resources they have.

To advocate for our plants and landscapes, make the connection between wheat and Weetbix, pines and paper, their role in providing us with clean water, for the love of plants for our health and wellbeing, for future generations and for the welfare of our planet.

Join us in Wellington to take part in a key gathering of the Botanic Garden community as we celebrate the past, appreciate the present and plan for the future.

Register for the congress at www.confer.co.nz/bganz2019