NZ Trade & Industrial Waters Forum 2020

Wellington, 9 – 11 June 2020
Welcome to the 2020 Industrial Waters Conference Wellington. We have entered a new era globally, where people are speaking up to enact change and expecting governments to do better, pollute less and provide leadership on issues such as climate change, sustainability and clean waterways. These are not just problems for the government to fix – we as individuals and as a group need to step up and provide the support, access to the technologies and the expertise to bring about change.
As always we will have a great line up of guest speakers and presenters and continuing on from the successful launch at last year’s conference in Dunedin, we will be running training sessions on Day 1. Please do remember to take full advantage of the invaluable networking time between presentations and during breaks to get the most out of this conference. We are a forum and it is all about the sharing of information.
Conference website: www.confer.nz/iw2020